Apple may make a new product in the near future, a combo laptop-tablet computer, a laptop that can transform into tablet. In a Nov. 30 patent entitled "Application Programming Interfaces for Scrolling Operations," Apple depicts a laptop that slides into tablet form as an example of a device that would take advantage of the patent's scrolling operations.
The drawings first show a laptop with a traditional keyboard, body, display frame and display. Then, according to the patent, "the laptop device can be converted into a tablet device" by sliding the display across the keyboard.
Since the patent relates to scrolling operations, it would presumably not cover the convertible laptop to tablet form factor. Apple does, however, disclaim in the application that the patent contains "specific exemplary embodiments."
The drawings first show a laptop with a traditional keyboard, body, display frame and display. Then, according to the patent, "the laptop device can be converted into a tablet device" by sliding the display across the keyboard.
Since the patent relates to scrolling operations, it would presumably not cover the convertible laptop to tablet form factor. Apple does, however, disclaim in the application that the patent contains "specific exemplary embodiments."
[Source and more reading... AppleInsider]